Monday, August 11, 2014

Death Leaves a Heartache... RIP Robin Williams

Ganz Heart Stepping Stone, Death Leaves a Heartache
My heart is heavy tonight. It is strange how someone we have never physically met, can impact our lives greatly through their work. Robin Williams died and what's worse, is early reports say it is suicide. Suicide! It seems so unbelievable. Robin Williams...the funny guy...the amazing stand up hear him associated with words like depression, addiction, and now suicide seems a mistake. Unfortunately, we see far too often that humor is used to mask depression. There are other comedians who have been linked with

Robin Williams was incredibly funny, but he also proved his acting chops could bite into more than space-age, silly aliens. His performances in films such as "Dead Poets Society" and "Good Will Hunting" showed that he was not just another funny guy who could entertain with middle-school humor.

When I heard the unbelievable and shocking news that Robin Williams died, I immediately thought of Jim Carrey. I don't know all of Carrey's biography or details he has released publicly, but he is also a comedian who became infamous for silly characters (Pet Detective, Dumb and Dumber) yet showed he is an amazing acting talent ("Truman Show," "Man on the Moon," and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,"). I immediately felt a sense of worry; as if he too may struggle with depression and be at risk of self-harm.
depression, addiction, and anxiety. Sometimes, I wonder if comedians don't get their brilliant repertoires of humor by trying to make themselves laugh.

Recent reports state that Williams had been in rehab. The nature of his addictions or mental health is not public information, but I am curious if he had been prescribed anti-depressants in order to treat alcoholism.

I am deeply concerned about a medical industry that prescribes drugs to people struggling with depression that carry side effects including increased thoughts of suicide.

It is heartbreaking to think that Robin Williams, for whatever reason, could no longer find joy and happiness in life. There is always hope. Tomorrow always brings new opportunities and new chances for greatness. I wish someone could have made him see that as long as there is life and breath in the lungs, there is hope. Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal. My prayers are with his family during this difficult time.

Robin Williams will be greatly missed.

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